A few words from CyberMoose.ca
CyberMoose.ca and any/all associate's and advertisers connected with this site do not take responsibility for any, all or partial content of individual web sites that have been added by a link to this web directory.
CyberMoose.ca does not endorse or does not take responsibilty for any products/services that are offered on our site. If you have a problem with any site that is listed here you must contact them directly.
To make your shopping experience more pleasurable, CyberMoose.ca tries to make sure that all advertisers / merchants are in Canada. We are NOT responsible if some advertisers inadvertantly provide the wrong information about their shipping practice with us.
CyberMoose.ca believes in free speech and therefore does not exclude web sites based on certain content, this does not mean that we or our associate's/advertisers condone any or part of such web site or its contents.
Your text link will remain within the web directory until your site is no longer active. CyberMoose.ca periodically checks all links to make sure they are active. If your site information has changed for any reason after you have been listed please send us an email to Update your listing *Please provide your site name and the page location of where your listing is located in the directory*
CyberMoose.ca reserves the right to display only links that we deem appropriate for this web guide. Sites within the Georgian Bay / Simcoe County and Muskoka / Parry Sound District region or are connected to this area in some way take precedence over all others. We prefer only Canadian Sites and businesses that are located within Canada.
Exceptions to this includes some sites that might be not located in our target locations but have content that might be useful to the general public. We retain the right to refuse any site and to remove any site without providing any warnings or any explanation what so ever.
Users should be aware some links may inadvertently lead to Adult Content sites. Use at own Risk.
Code of Ethics
Unacceptable Sites
We do not accept any sites that contain hate propaganda, racism or any inferences that may be offensive to some individuals or links to such information.
Adult Content
CyberMoose.ca does not accept pornography sites, however some Adult content sites may be permitted as we deem fit. CyberMoose.ca retains the right to determine if the site requested is appropriate for this web directory.